Unlock Your Potential: 4 Effective Practices for Manifesting Your Dreams

By LiveWell Community

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Create a mindful morning

Creating a mindful morning allows you to set the tone for the day. It is a sacred time just for you and is a space to practice the activities that make you feel relaxed, grounded and energised. This could be anything from waking up a little earlier to enjoy your favourite cup of herbal tea, to free-flowing your thoughts in a journal.



When striving to reach those important goals, it can be all too easy to let self-care gravitate to the bottom of your to-do list. Although working around the clock can sometimes seems like the natural and most sensible thing to do, it can actually be counter productive, as this induces stress and can lead you to burn out. Instead set aside time every day to do something for both your mental and physical wellbeing. This could be anything from calling a friend to nourishing your body with a healthy meal.



Affirmations not only banish negative thought patterns but also allow you to get excited and release your desires into the magical universe. An example of a powerful affirmation that I love is ‘I have everything that I need to make my dreams come true’.



Practicing daily gratitude is not only great for achieving a positive outlook, but can also help you in reaching those goals, by allowing you to reflect on how far you have come and how much closer you are.



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